New York Journals

About Ericsson's Caloric Ship

Source : Articles taken from the daily journals of the city of New York.
Title: Ericsson's Caloric Engine - Article descriptive of the Caloric Ship and of her Trial Excursion of January 12th, 1853
Date: January, 1853.

In reprinting from the New York Journals the annexed articles in relation to the Caloric Engine and its wonderful performances on the trial trip of the Ericsson, we have only to say, that no invention has ever drawn forth a siinultaneous and spontaneous expression from the public press so satisfactory and conclusive as is given in the following pages.

It is evident from the concurrent testimony of these journals, and from the interest and enthusiasm which they manifest at the results they have witnessed, that the importance of the invention cannot be over-estimated, and that its success has been established by the most triumphant demonstration on record. The work of the inventor is complete.

Journals Articles
Courier and Enquirer The Caloric Ship Ericsson
New York Daily Times The Caloric Ship Ericsson
New York Evening Post The Ericsson Respirator
New York Evening Post Ericsson's Regenerator
New York National Democrat The Breathing Ship
New York Express The Use of a New Element
New York Mirror of Wednesday evening The Breathing Ship
New York Tribune The New Motive Power
New York Tribune Hot Air as a Motor
New York Daily Times Navigation. Trial Trip of the Caloric Ship Ericsson
New York Sun The Trial Trip of the Ericsson
New York Herald The Caloric Ship Ericsson

We can no longer call the Ericsson an experiment. It is an established fact, and one which must stand out as such in all future time. The invention, thus far, is more triumphant than that of Fulton with his steamboat; even more triumphant, after considering the known disadvantages under which Fulton labored.

The use of heated air is not, to be sure, a new thing to inventors. Many have tried it, and one or two have been partly successful. But this, instead of detracting from, rather adds to, the merit of Captain Ericsson. He alone has persevered to the end, and after twenty years of trial and experiment has been rewarded by the fullest success. No one conversant with the attempts and failures of most enterprises can examine the Ericsson in all its parts, without pronouncing her the miracle of the age; for such they must consider the construction of so large and fine a ship, complete in all its parts, moved by a power hitherto unknown in all practical respects.

It is indeed a miracle of enterprize for any man, or set of men, to undertake so gigantic an experiment on little more than mere theory. Yes, it is a triumph, and a grand one; one of which our whole country must ever feel proud. During the trip down the bay an excellent repast was served, a breakfast, to which full justice was done. On the return. Captain Ericsson very lucidly explained, with a working model and diagram, the operation of the engines, and satisfactorily replied to all the objections raised by the company, as to the working of its different parts. During these explanations the deepest interest was manifested by all present, and none failed to understand fully the whole subject.